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Writer's pictureCrystal | Factory Girl

Favorite Tools for Blocking Your Knits

Updated: Sep 30, 2024

grey towel with bottle of wash next to a grey camisole on white sink

After all the hours spent knitting or crocheting that gorgeous garment or accessory your next steps must not be skipped. Blocking is so important to help open up your stitches, relax those cables or colorwork sections, and to help give you that perfect fit and drape.

I've been asked a few times what I use when blocking my hand made garments or accessories and wanted to share my go-to list of tools I always keep on-hand with links to find out more details.

The Factory Girl's Blocking Supplies

Wash Basin (or a sink/tub large enough to hold your project)

I try to use one of my sinks as long as I know I won't be needing it right away but sometimes I need more than one soaking station as I've waiting to block multiple projects on the same day. When that happens, I grab my soak basin. Soak Basins are lightweight and can be used as storage when you’re not blocking. This is my favorite I use if my sink won't be available:

white wash basin with green drain

Wool Wash

Wool wash can be in bar form or liquid. The most recognizable brands of wool wash are Soak, Eucalan and Tuft Woolens. Each offer scent and unscented options and different sizes. They are gentle on the fibers and rinse easily. You can also use lukewarm water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil too. I am a huge fan of Soak Wash and have it on hand at home and their single use packs in my toiletry bags for travel. You can find more info here:

eucalyptus orange, rananculus, and bottle on white background

Large Bath Towel (or bath sheet)

Before being pinned on a mat, your hand knitted/crocheted items are rolled in towels to press out any extra water. I have used bath sheets/towels over the years but earlier this year started using these Turkish Waffle Towels and just love how absorbent they are and dry quickly.

Pins & Wires

Pins are used to keeping knit fabric in place. There are many versions that can be used for your blocking project. For straight edges or when blocking lace, I like to use blocking wires to help guide my blocking. I also keep on-hand both T-pins and Knit Blockers. The Knit Blockers I find I grab more frequently - these have a series of rust-proof pins secured in a plastic casing. I find them easy to handle and use a lot less of them than individual t-pins.

Blocking Mats are foam rubber mats that look like large puzzle pieces. These are versatile as you piece them together to fit the size and shape of your knit piece. There are many options to choose from that interlock together so you can get the size you need for your garment or accessory and many come with a carrying or storage case too.

Measuring tape

Measuring tapes or rulers help to keep the edges neat and to turn your final piece out exactly as planned. When I need to be sure a shawl or sweater is blocked to the right dimensions, I always grab my pattern schematic and a tape measure to verify. Here are a few of my go-to options:

circle of grey, cream pink, green, yellow and orange tape measures

This is my go-to list of products I recommend keeping handy for your next blocking session! I’d love to know your questions! Put them in the comments below.

xo, Crystal

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you.

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